Spark behavioral change through fun and science

We combine gamification and artificial intelligence to build challenging and effective learning experiences that your employees will love:
No more documents, quizzes or ‘real-life scenarios’: allow your employees to learn by doing
Increase skills and knowledge retention by influencing your team’s behavior and intrinsic values
No expensive equipment required — our games are created for mobile and desktop devices
Example of our work: Take5, a mobile game that teaches leadership skills

Our games drive behavioral change for companies and organizations like:

Learning techniques from decades ago can’t prepare employees for the challenges they face in the 21st century. Here’s why:

Companies are changing rapidly these days

Relying on memorization and blindly following set-in-stone procedures might have worked in 1990s.

Modern workplaces need engaged employees who live and breathe company values and take ownership when faced with a new challenge.

Failing (in order to learn) is not encouraged

In real life, we make thousands of mistakes before mastering a new skill or accommodating new behavior.

In a professional environment, failing is rarely perceived as part of a (intentionally designed) learning experience.

Learning should be personalized — but it isn’t

We all learn in different ways and at a different pace — some of us are better at critical thinking, while others love creative challenges.

Without personalized feedback during the learning process, employees will never excel, get to know their strenghts — and identify weaknesses to work on.

Old tools don’t create new habits

Habits and behavior are formed in a cycle of trying, failing, succeeding, and learning about our own limitations.

Reading documents, solving quizzes or sitting through internal lectures with dozens of other employees doesn’t provide an optimal learning environment.

We’ve mastered the art of creating serious games over the last 20 years and 400+ projects

This is how we turn business challenges into impactful games:

Step 1:

Understanding the problem to gamify

We’ll have multiple conversations to gain deep understanding of the problem we’re solving and who’s going to use the serious game we’re creating. This will help up truly personalize the gaming experience.
4 - 6 weeks

Step 2:

Start the (ongoing) co-creation process

We’ll have a number of co-creation sessions during which the &ranj team, your team, and a subject expert will collaborate to achieve a shared vision on how to solve the problem your company has - via a serious game.

Step 3:

Agile development (iterative testing)

We’ll work closely with your Product Owner to develop game content and media, and to test everything in small increments with real users. This will help us fine-tune every aspect of the game, from an early stage.
2 - 4 months

Step 4:

Final testing and delivery

After a series of small (agile) tests, it’s time to test the whole game! Following that, we’ll keep collecting data on the performance of the game and contribute to its further development in real-life environment.

The most progressive brands choose us because…


We’ve been awarded for our pioneering and excellence


Our games are created in collaboration with scientists

Dr. Marcia Goddard Neuroscientist (&ranj’s collaborator)

What we create has a tangible impact on employees

“With this game we can collect much more relevant information in a short time. Based on this, we can very well predict how someone will behave in a leadership role.”
Marleen RedekerManaging Partner, TENEA

We’re world-class engineers, designers, neuroscientists, and, simply put, super friendly people to work with!

Explore our games and case studies


Compliance training is fun!

Rules are there to be broken, apart from the ones that ensure a person or organization is following the laws and regulations. Our healthcare compliance experience helped a large pharmaceutical corporation with this issue.

Exploring AR

As part of an introductory program: an Augmented Reality app with a classical and collaborative puzzle game. Let new colleagues get to know each other and learn about the Roche's value chain.

Game-based assessment: Revolution in executive search

Candidates become CEO for a day. Virtual, scalable, and predictive.
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